Green actions - Future projects
Our Mercure Grenoble Meylan hotel has a duty to think about tomorrow's projects today. In this sense, as soon as we reopen, we will share in this section our environmental projects under study, such as our reflections on how to continue our approach to reduce the use of single-use plastic on a daily basis.

Partner Aix&terra
One of the partners of our restaurant "A l'Epicerie" is none other than the Aix&terra factory. What a pleasure it is to cook organic 50% flavours, made in France and signed by an artisan member of the Collège Culinaire de France! You can buy these flavours in our grocery corner and taste the delicious jam recipes in a breakfast buffet.
Le BIO by Aixetterra : 100% jams, 100% macerated oils, 80% aperitif range
PHENIX partner (from this autumn)
One of the partners of our restaurant "A l'Epicerie" is none other than the Phénix organization, partner of Atypio Hotels Resorts. Why is this necessary? Because it is not always easy for a restaurant to succeed in adjusting its production to future customer consumption at 100%, in order to avoid any waste: food, energy, work of the f&b team.
What is the Phénix application: it is to act together against waste by reselling unsold products at reduced prices so that nothing is lost and wasted!